Mater Admirabilis School educates children and young leaders capable of facing up the challenges of a competitive and globalized world, offering them a high-quality education based on universal values that strengthen their development in the humane, scientific and technological aspects, with creativity, autonomy and commitment with both their country and community.
Mater Admirabilis forma niñas y jóvenes líderes preparadas para afrontar los retos de un mundo globalizado y competitivo, ofreciéndoles una educación de calidad basada en valores universales que les permita desarrollarse integralmente en los aspectos humanista, científico y tecnológico con creatividad, autonomía y compromiso con su país y su comunidad.
To be an educational institution dedicated to the formation of female leaders identified with their country and well-prepared to succeed in the current world; principled and competitive women, committed to the change and the sociocultural, economic, technological and ethical development, who are concerned with their environment, take action to improve it, and contribute to create a tolerant and fair society.
Ser una institución educativa que forma mujeres líderes, identificadas con su país y preparadas para desenvolverse en el mundo actual; mujeres íntegras, competitivas, comprometidas con el cambio y el desarrollo sociocultural, económico, tecnológico, ético, que conservan y mejoran su medioambiente y que contribuyen en el logro de una sociedad tolerante y justa.